- Start of Lower Sidehill Connector Trail
- Explorer Loop Trail Junction
- Explorer Loop Mossy Trail
- Chestnut Cove Trail Sign
- Chestnut Cove Trail Switchbacks
- Chestnut Cove Trail Sign
- Chestnut Cove Trail Curves
- Chestnut Cove Trail Rocks
- Switchback on Exploer Rloop
- Big Trees on Explorer Loop
- Explorer Loop Trail Sign
- Rider on 479H
- Seep Beside FS 479H
- Explorer Loop Alternate Trail
- Bent Creek from Campground Connector
- Bent Creek and Lake Powhatan from Homestead Loop
- Homestead Trail Bridge
- Start of Deerfield Loop Trail
- Bikes on Homestead
- Deerfield Loop from the Main Road
- Deerfield Loop
- Small Creek Trail Sign and Bridge
- Small Creek Trail Bridge
- Deerfield Connector
- Deerfield Loop Pines
- Deerfield Loop Trail Pines
- Deerfield Loop
- Pine Tree and Deerfield Loops
- Pine Tree Explorer Junction
- Pine Tree Loop Trail Meadow
- Pine Tree Loop Trail
- Start of Pine Tree Loop Trail
- Pine Tree at Campground Connector
- Shut-In Trail Roots
- Shut-In Trail Gate
- Shut-In Trail Sign
- Little Hickory Top Trail Start
- Little Hickory Top Trail Jungle
- Little Hickory Top Trail
- Trails at 5 Points
- Little Hickory Top and North Boundary Road
- Ingles Field Gap Steep Section
- Little Hickory Top Trail
- Picnic Tables at Ledford Gap
- Huge Ferns beside the Ledford Trail.
- Ledford Trail Creek Crossing
- Wolf Branch Trail Curve
- Wolf Branch Creek Crossing
- Clay Surface of the Wolf Branch trail
- Clubmoss beside the Wolf Branch trail
- Deer Lake Lodge Trail Bridge
- Lower Sidehill Trail Hemlocks
- Sidehill Trail Creek Crossing
- Sidehill Trail Creek Crossing
- Boyd Branch Road/Sidehill Junction
- Homestead Trail Bridge
- Homestead Trail