Casita Falls in Spring Foliage
High Swan Falls in Spring Green
High Swan Falls in Spring Green
Small Hummock Coverred in Periwinkle
Shortleaf Pine Flowers
Rhododendron Bud
Early Spring Growth
Shope Creek Trail
Rattlesnake Plantain Leaves
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Shope Creek
Red Maple Bloom
Spicebush in the Understory
Dreary First Day of Spring
Periwinkle Flower
Waterfall on Tributary of Shope Creek from Logging Road
Waterfall on Tributary of Shope Creek
A wider view of the falls, showing the neat forest setting it resides in.
Low Water Bridge
Dead Hemlock in Shope Creek
Steep Trail in Shope Creek
Darla on the Trail in Shope Creek
Clearing in Shope Creek
Tall White Pines in Shope Creek
Trail Through Flowers in Shope Creek
Unnamed Trail at Shope Creek
Squawroot in Shope Creek
Rock Under Stream
Logging Road Trail in Shope Creek
Going for a Ride in Shope Creek