Trail Dynamics, a local company with local mountain bike advocate Woody Keen as founding member, is currently working on a makeover of the Burnt Mountain trail in Dupont State Forest. Help is needed in finish work between now and Thanksgiving – if you can lend a hand, come out and help shape this trail into one of the best in the Forest. From Woody:
“Burnt Mtn should be complete (at least our contracted work) by Turkey-day. There is the very bottom section which is not part of our contract, it was scheduled as SORBA work.
If folks want to come out during the week and lend a hand, that would be great. We are doing way more than the specs called for, but don’t get to invoice any greater amount. If folks can come out and help with some finish work behind the machines it will help us out. There is some Pulaski and raking work and some landscaping type of chores as well.
We will probably open Burnt Mtn over the weekend so folks can see what we have been up to. It is going to be super sweet when we are done.”
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