I’m testing out a neat new web-based mapping tool called Breadcrumbs. I’ll be adding my raw GPS data from my hikes and rides (field research!) there. You’ll see maps of the trips and be able to download the raw track data from those posts. Once it’s corrected, referenced, and edited, I’ll put it in the regular trail database on HikeWNC and MTB WNC as usual, but this should allow a way to get the raw trail map data out there as quickly as possible. As a bonus, it gives me another place to backup the map data I’ve collected!
You can check out the lsit of my latest additions on my Breadcrumb user page. I’ll start with older trips and add new ones as I do them. As always, you can also keep checking this blog, our Facebook page, and Twitter for the latest updates. We hope you enjoy!
For the geeks out there, I found this app in the Google Chrome Web Store. It’s a fantastic example of what can be done with open-source software, including the Chrome browser, the ExtJS and Prototype javascript libraries. We need more apps like this to make a web-based operating system (a la Google’s new Chrome OS) possible!
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