Join the Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition’s Hemlock survey team for a field trip to Curtis Creek, where we will have the opportunity to learn a simple technique for assessing the condition of hemlock trees. Although many hemlocks in our National Forests have already died from the invasive Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, surveys are being done in hemlock stands in order to find remaining healthy trees and determine which areas would still benefit from treatment. This field trip will provide participants an opportunity to compare Hemlock stands that have been chemically treated to other stands that are in various stages of die back due to the Adelgid infestation. Other topics of discussion will include methods the Forest Service is using to save the hemlocks. The field trip includes a 2-mile roundtrip hike to a scenic waterfall. Bring a bag lunch.
Date: Sat. April 2, 2011
Meeting Time: 9:30AM
Meeting Place: Ingles Market, Swannanoa. Located off I-40 at exit 59 on Rt 70. Meet by the gas station in the Ingles parking lot to carpool or meet at 10:30AM at the Curtis Creek campground outside of Old Fort.
Contact: Ed Mayer e-mail:, phone: 828-505-1080
Please call by Thursday, March 31 to let us know if you plan to attend
Directions to Curtis Creek: From Old Fort, NC, take Hwy 70 East 2 miles to campground sign (Curtis Creek Rd./SR 1227) Turn left onto Curtis Creek Rd. and go 4.7 miles to the campground.
Edit: here is a link to the event on SAFC’s web site!
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