Tsali User Group Schedule is Changing

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For the first time I can remember, the schedule for which users can use which trails at the Tsali Recreation Area, located on Fontana Lake near Bryson City, NC, is changing. The press release says the schedule will be posted to their web site, but I’m not seeing it yet. So be sure to check the trailhead signs if you go after May 1, which is when the changes go into effect. Or check back here soon – I’ll update this post as soon as I find out the details!

The Forest Service press release is below.


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National Forests in North Carolina
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Asheville, N.C. 28801
Web: www.fs.usda.gov/nfsnc

Media Contact: Matt McCombs, 828-257-4215

Tsali Trail Schedule Changes

ROBBINSVILLE, N.C., April 24, 2015 — The U.S. Forest Service announced today that the Tsali Trail Complex, located on the Cheoah Ranger District, will be changing the user group trail schedule effective May 1, 2015.

The Tsali Recreation Area’s four-loop trail system is a popular destination for mountain bikers, horseback riders and hikers. Hikers may enjoy the trails daily, but mountain bikers and equestrians-the primary users-are kept separated by alternating days on the trails. The U.S. Forest Service working closely with equestrian and mountain bike user groups has developed a new trail schedule that will provide recreational opportunities for both user groups on the most popular days of the week.

The new trail schedule will be effective May 1, 2015 and will be posted on the U.S. Forest Service website and has been incorporated into new signage and information kiosks located throughout the Tsali Trail Complex facilities.


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