Observation Deck Added at Toms Creek Falls

posted in: Outdoors, WNC Hiking, WNC Waterfalls | 0

The Forest Service in NC announced completion of trail and parking lot improvements at Toms Creek Falls, a beautiful waterfall in the Grandfather ranger district of Pisgah National Forest including the installation of an accessible observation deck. Since the Falls Branch Trail (#214) was always one of the easiest around, it makes sense for them to “upgrade” it to an accessible one, giving folks with less mobility the chance to visit WNC’s spectacular scenery. We hope to check it out in person soon! Here’s the Forest Service’s news release and photo.


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National Forests in North Carolina
160A Zillicoa St.
Asheville, N.C. 28801
Web: www.fs.usda.gov/nfsnc

Media Contact: Matt McCombs, 828-257-4215

Observation Deck Open at Toms Creek Falls in McDowell County

Nebo, N.C., May 21, 2015 — Toms Creek Falls, a breathtaking 80-foot cascade waterfall near Marion, NC, is now accessible to visitors of all ages and abilities.

The Grandfather Ranger District has completed work on the Falls Branch Trail (#214) and trail head parking area. Trail work included installation of an accessible observation deck below the falls and resurfacing of the ½ mile trail and parking area.

To visit Toms Creek Falls: From I-40, take US 221 North (exit 85) about 12 miles to Huskins Branch Road. Turn left and go 1.2 miles to the trailhead.

Toms Creek Falls Observation Deck
Toms Creek Falls Observation Deck


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